"Are puzzles really necessary in this world?" In order to restore Jin's memory, Kaito and his friends go on a puzzle-viewing journey to England. As they're walking through the underground maze beneath the church, where young Kaito and Rook first met Jin, a mysterious girl appears in front of them. Jin calls the girl by the name "Raetsel". It seems they know each other. However, she suddenly disappears and takes Jin with her. What's more, the traps in the underground maze are activated and start coming after Kaito and his friends.
Alternative Name: ファイ・ブレイン 〜神のパズル 宿敵!レイツェル編
Writer: -
Director: Endou, Hirotaka
Producer: Sunrise, NHK, NHK Enterprises, Sentai Filmworks
Category: Action, Game
Tagges as: -
Date Added: 1 day ago
Release on: 2013
Rated as: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Duration: 25 Min
Status: Ongoing
Update Frequency: Unknown
Rank: 575